Opinionated | Ep. 69 | Is the Biggest Problem with Men…Other Men?

In this episode of Opinionated, I dive into a tough but necessary conversation: Is the biggest problem with men…other men? We hear a lot about masculinity, men’s rights, and the so-called "crisis of manhood," but are we addressing the real issue? From the hyper-masculinity movement to the obsession with policing each other's behaviors—especially when it comes to sexuality—men often end up being their own worst critics. I’m asking whether this focus on "what it means to be a man" is actually helping or hurting us. It's time to get real and discuss whether men need to fix their own circles before pointing fingers at anyone else. Tune in for an unfiltered take on one of the most controversial topics in today’s gender conversation.


Opinionated | Ep. 70 | What We Refuse to Talk About but Should.


Opinionated | Ep. 68 | Are We Raising Kids to be Too Fragile?